
How to Protect Your Identity When You Travel

Article by Miriam B. Weiner Found at: http://travel.usnews.com/features/How-to-Protect-Your-Identity-When-You-Travel/ One minute, you're checking your balance as you wait to board your…

Nate Segall

4 Ways New Grads Are Vulnerable to Identity Theft

By Adam Levin Found at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/adam-levin/4-ways-new-grads-are-vuln_b_5354561.html As new graduates climb down from the ivory tower (diploma in hand), many will…

Nate Segall

Don’t fall prey to medical identity theft

Article by Jason Alderman Found at: http://www.thonline.com/biztimes/articles/article_21d8c910-e296-11e3-a6b6-0017a43b2370.html By now, most people know about the perils of identity theft, where someone…

Nate Segall

AccuShred’s Green Machines Fundraising Program

Cash-for-Computers Fundraising Program Old computers are everywhere: closets, garages, and landfills. Every year, 3.2 tons of computers are deposited in…

Nate Segall

Responsible Recycling vs. Global Dumping

Responsible recycling is when you drop off old computers/electronics at a collection event or have a recycling come get them…

Nate Segall

Harmful Effects Caused by Improper Computer & E-Waste Recycling

From: http://www.greencitizen.com/harmful_effects.php E-waste can affect nearly every system in the human body because e-waste contains a plethora of toxic components.…

Nate Segall

9 Spring Cleaning Tips to Thwart ID Theft

Spring is finally here! Spring arriving means that it’s the perfect time to go through all of your unused and…

Nate Segall

IRS Issued $4 Billion in Fraudulent Tax Refunds Last Year

Article from Teaparty.org: http://www.teaparty.org/irs-issued-4-billion-fraudulent-tax-refunds-last-year-39285/ (Breitbart) In a report released last November, the federal government admitted that it had conducted roughly…

Nate Segall

Protect Your Identity During Tax Season

Article from Tallahassee.com, written by U.S. Florida Senator Marco Rubio http://www.tallahassee.com/article/20140226/OPINION05/302260004/Marco-Rubio-Protect-your-identity-during-tax-season?nclick_check=1   With the 2014 tax filing season under way,…

Nate Segall

Reasons Why You Should Be Outsourcing Your Shredding

From the Automated Records Centre: 3 Reasons Why You Should Be Outsourcing Your Shredding By Michael Sullivan Latest federal guidelines…

Nate Segall