Correctly Destroy Your Digital Property

When it comes to information that is stored on a disk or hard drive, information will not be safe just by breaking it in half or taking a hammer to it. The National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) recently completed a study that concluded that, in Mexico, only 10% of obsolete electronics discarded in that nation are handled and recycled properly. In addition, they estimate that 50% of the electronic scrap is sent to landfills, with much of that collected by scavengers.

When digital information is not destroyed properly it is likely to end up in the hands of scavengers who are able to extract information or process in unsafe and environmentally unsound ways. The article’s author writes, “about 500,000 tons of obsolete electronics each year are collected by an informal sector that destroys them, releasing toxics, without there being authority that prevents it.”

AccuShred firmly believes that total physical destruction is the only fail-safe method of destroying data stored on hard drives, disks and other storage devices. That is why we shred and recycle each and every hard drive that we receive. We NEVER sell intact hard drives – period. We are NAID Certified for electronic media destruction, microfilm destruction as well as HIPAA compliant X-ray destruction/recycling.

Call us today to talk with a service representative and get a customized cost-effective program developed for your business.

Nate Segall: