How One-Time Purge Shredding Can Elevate Business Security

March 6, 2024

Many businesses benefit from having a regular shredding service. For those that have a substantial amount of paperwork, keeping up with it on a regular monthly or quarterly contract can keep their risk of data theft low and their office productivity high. However, businesses who don’t have the need for frequent services can still benefit […]

Secure, Automate, Protect: A Blueprint for Modern IT Security

February 20, 2024

As IT continues to evolve, so do the risks of data theft and the need for security evolution to keep pace. Data is critical to businesses and organizations, as data is what drives growth and innovation, but protecting sensitive information has become more complex due to growing reliance on digital technologies. Modern IT practices need […]

Unpacking 2023’s Most Impactful Cybersecurity Threats

February 6, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of cyberspace, 2023 witnessed a surge in sophisticated cybersecurity threats, challenging organizations and individuals alike. With the ongoing advancement of technology, the strategies utilized by cybercriminals also progress. Below are some of the most impactful cybersecurity threats that shaped the digital security landscape in 2023.

Remote Ransomware is a Big Problem

January 26, 2024

Remote work comes with a myriad of security concerns, and ransomware is one of the major cybersecurity issues for businesses of all sizes. Ransomware – where cybercriminals make money by demanding a ransom payment in exchange for a decryption key to unlock an encrypted system – has been rising alongside remote work. Although paying the […]

Building Customer Trust Through Robust E-Commerce Data Security

January 24, 2024

Customers are doing more and more of their business online. Whether you are selling physical products, digital products, or services, you can grow your business by offering the option for customers to purchase directly on your website. In the digital age, e-commerce is not optional, but necessary to grow. However, e-commerce does come with risks. […]

Effective Record Management Strategies for Small Businesses

January 17, 2024

No matter how big or small your business is, having a strategy to manage your records is important. The impact of effective record management on efficiency, compliance, and decision making is significant. If your office is cluttered with packed filing cabinets and misfiled records, you will not be able to reach your full potential as […]

Balancing Social Media Sharing and Data Security

January 8, 2024

Before social media became mainstream, data security consisted of making sure your computer network and physical documents were secure. Today, social media sharing has exploded with new platforms and enhanced user experiences, and it is difficult to find anyone without a social media presence, whether it’s on Facebook, LinkedIn, or TikTok. Privacy has always been […]

A Guide to Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: The Invisible Threat

November 22, 2023

Zero-day vulnerabilities are unknown threats to your data. Having any data online poses many threats to cybersecurity, but what makes zero-day vulnerabilities so unique is that you can do everything correctly and will still not be completely secure. Zero-day threats can be traced to the dark web, where information is available for purchase by hackers […]

The Growing Risks of AI Technology and Cybersecurity

November 13, 2023

AI technology is becoming increasingly prolific in nearly every industry, and with great benefits. However, as AI technology advances and goes into more and more industries, the risks of cybersecurity grow as well. For businesses and individuals to protect themselves in a digital world, they need to be aware and prepared.

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Data Security

October 26, 2023

It is inevitable that the further we go with AI (Artificial Intelligence), the greater the impact will be on cybersecurity. While initially it was worrisome that AI would be yet another danger in cybersecurity for companies to prepare for, AI, and its subset, ML (Machine Learning), are in fact, helping to reshape cybersecurity. Machine learning, […]

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Dear Potential AccuShred Customer, I never thought that I would ever have the need to outsource someone to destroy my old patient records. After all, my office manager has a shredder by her desk. After reading an article on the ADA’s website about pending lawsuits against dentists who throw out patient information, however, I decided […]

Brad Barricklow, DDS
Brookview Dental

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