How Can Social Media Posts Impact Your Personal Data Security?

March 28, 2022

Most adults consider themselves to be well educated in how to keep themselves safe online. Don’t share passwords, don’t choose easy passwords, and keep an eye on your privacy settings. But many people don’t think social media has much to do with their personal data. Facebook and your sensitive personal information don’t seem connected, but […]

Questions to Ask Your Data Destruction Service Provider Before Contracting

March 2, 2022

Information theft and data breaches can be dangerous to a business of any size, making data destruction services more important than ever. Handling your data destruction in house is simply not the best decision for most businesses, and therefore, you will need to find a reliable partner. When looking for a data destruction service, there […]

Do Your Employees Know How to Handle Sensitive Company Data?

February 23, 2022

Whether remote or in-office, your employees will be trusted with sensitive company data. If your employees begin to relax when it comes to security protocols, your company may be facing a data breach and the resulting fallout could damage your business permanently. When employees first began remote work, your company addressed these security protocols. When […]

What is Secure Shredding and What Does it Mean for Your Business?

January 26, 2022

Shredding seems like a pretty basic concept. Anyone with a shredder can destroy documents, so all shredding should be secure. Why outsource your shredding at all when an in-office machine can handle it? And if you decide to outsource, will it matter who you choose? In fact, choosing to partner with a secure shredding company […]

Your Business Needs Reliable Data Destruction

January 18, 2022

We realize that businesses of all sizes require reliable data destruction. It doesn’t matter if you run a small local business or a massive Fortune 500 company, you have sensitive data that will eventually need to be destroyed securely. We provide the same high-quality data destruction services to every one of our clients, no matter […]

AccuShred Leads by Example

December 10, 2021

AccuShred understands how important it is for our customers to trust us. Our services wouldn’t be as valued as they are if a high level of trust didn’t exist. It’s why we strive to not only maintain the high level of standards that we’ve developed with our customers over the years but to also continue […]

Why Should You Have a Certificate of Destruction?

August 31, 2021

All businesses and organizations are at risk of a data breach that can impact their business and their customers. Most business owners understand that one of the strategies to avoid a potential data breach is secure document destruction, but they feel that an in-office shredder is enough. If you shred your own sensitive documents, is […]

Partnering with a Data Destruction Service Can Increase Productivity

July 27, 2021

Some small and mid-sized businesses assume that managing their data destruction services in-house will save them money. It seems feasible that someone on the staff can take care of document and data destruction in addition to their current duties and it won’t take much time. However, attempting to handle your data destruction services in-house can […]

Benefits of an Internal Data Privacy Assessment

June 14, 2021

Many small businesses think that they are at a lower risk for a data breach due to their size or the nature of their business. However, a business of any size can be a good target for data theft, and all companies need to take that risk seriously. If you don’t know where your weak […]

Personal Information Exposed Through Recent Geico Data Breach

May 24, 2021

The risk of a data breach is always looming, and this was once again brought to everyone’s attention by a large company under cyber-attack. Geico was the target of a data breach targeting customer information. Any company can be at risk and businesses need to be vigilant in keeping their security up-to-date. As a business […]

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