Digitize Your Company’s Files for Greater Data Protection

Many companies find that they accumulate documents and files quickly. There are the basics that pile up, such as accounts payable, expenses, budgets, and policies. Then you’ll also start to build up long term files, such as legal documents, tax records, and personnel files. In today’s digital world, it makes both practical and economic sense to move to as close to a paperless office as possible.

Advantages of Digitizing Your Files

When you digitize your files, you’ll find there are more advantages than just data protection. Paper doesn’t empower you to use your data efficiently. When your files are digitized, you’ll be able to search, analyze, and retrieve the correct documents in considerably less time than you would spend going through even the most organized file cabinet. Less paper takes up much less space in your office, allowing for better use of the office.

How Digitizing Helps with Data Protection

There are two types of data protection that digitizing will address. The first is physical protection. Digital files stored on an in-office server, or off site via a digital service provider, are less vulnerable to damage by water, fire, or pests. Paper is fragile and can easily be lost. Digital files, especially those backed up, are much less so.

If you opt to store your digital files at an off-site digital service provider, your data will be protected by high quality cybersecurity systems. Companies that specialize in data protection will make sure to keep your sensitive information secure. If you choose to use an on-site server for your data, you’ll take care of finding and maintaining your own cybersecurity.

What to Do with Your Paper Files After Digitizing

Once you’ve made the move to digitize your company’s files, the next project is figuring out what to do with the paper files you’ve made redundant. Continuing to store them is unnecessary and inefficient but throwing them into a dumpster isn’t a smart idea either.

First, make note of any documents you need to keep the paper copies of. Certain states have certain requirements, legally, for documents that must be kept as hard copies. Certain legal paperwork will fall into this category. While a digital backup is still a smart idea, separate these documents out for fire and waterproof storage.

The rest of your redundant paper files should be disposed of with a shredder. While it’s possible to do this in house with your own shredder, for anything more than a few sheets it’s time consuming, inefficient, and leaves your company more open to sensitive information becoming vulnerable. Outsourcing to a shredding company who will quote you by the box or weight of paper to shred is far more cost effective. Since their equipment is set up to handle the quantity, it will cost far less than if you tried to shred your data in-house. It’s important to ask the right questions to be sure your data destruction is secure. A reliable and trustworthy company will be happy to provide you with information to verify their unbroken chain of custody and the policies and procedures they follow to ensure your data is secure.

A good scanning, storage, and shredding company will help you make the transition. The investment will provide greater office efficiency at a lower overall cost, and will allow you to feel secure that you have made the right choice for data protection. Contact us today to learn about how we can assist you with your data protection needs.

Nate Segall: