Training Staff in HIPAA Regulations
September 7, 2017
Most breaches of protected health information (PHI) are related to human error, underscoring the need for medical practices to develop and maintain rigorous training programs for employees so they comply […]
Correctly Destroy Your Digital Property
September 5, 2017
When it comes to information that is stored on a disk or hard drive, information will not be safe just by breaking it in half or taking a hammer to […]
Document Security Goes Beyond Digital Protection Measures
March 29, 2017
While cyber security continues to receive considerable attention, it’s necessary to keep in mind the negative impact of a physical document, containing sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. Nowadays, […]
Healthcare Security Breaches Extend to 300% Increase Over Three Years
February 15, 2017
2016 has been a year jam-packed with cyber-attacks on the healthcare industry. According to a comprehensive report by TrapX Labs, cyber-attackers are now responsible for 31.42% of all major HIPAA […]
How to Maintain HIPAA Compliance with Paper and Digital Records
October 19, 2016
In the healthcare world, maintaining HIPAA compliance is a top priority from both a digital and hard copy recordkeeping standpoint. Both electronic data and paper document records are subject to […]
The Future of Cybersecurity: Required State-wide Programs for Financial Institutions
September 29, 2016
If you’ve been following our blog lately, you may have noticed our emphasis on cybersecurity. There’s good reason for that – cybercrime rates are increasing significantly year-to-year. In fact, according […]
Cyber Attacks Lead to Unexpected Costs
June 28, 2016
Business is booming, your company is thriving, and customers can’t seem to hear enough good things about your business. Then, someone breaches your digital data and suddenly information that is […]
The Benefits of Hiring a Document Shredding Company
February 11, 2015
There are multitudinous benefits to hiring a paper shredding service, including the peace of mind that comes with a verified record that the documents have been destroyed. As companies transition […]
4 Ways New Grads Are Vulnerable to Identity Theft
June 4, 2014
By Adam Levin Found at: As new graduates climb down from the ivory tower (diploma in hand), many will be facing “real world” transactions for the first time, and […]